My BTS Journey

"Kindness is the mark of faith; and whoever has not kindness has not faith." ~Muhammad

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Outward Bound

"Screw the journey, I want to get off this sailboat!" Those are the words of a 14 year old after a week of "journeying." Despite that rather harsh comment, he seems to have enjoyed the experience. Anyway, he's obviously wind-worn as you can see--I guess everyone else forgot their chapstick and had to borrow his! He survived and he's home--the cat is very happy!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Toothless Wonder!

It's finally happened--Abby has lost her 4th tooth in 2 months! No front teeth left--at all! The tooth fairy is going to need to take out a loan!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Faith and Hope

I came across these statues at a cemetery in Ellenburg, NY on my way from Portland, Maine to Watertown, NY. Really interesting images--I just had to get pictures. Of course, they really peak my interest because Faith and Hope are my daughter's middle names! As an artist, their forms are facinating. I need to do some research on them...

First Day of School!

We've survived it!! Yes, the first day of school (second for me) has come and gone and everyone is still happy!