My BTS Journey

"Kindness is the mark of faith; and whoever has not kindness has not faith." ~Muhammad

Monday, June 12, 2006


Need I say more? I'm going to see James Taylor in Portland on the 24th of August with my sister--can't wait!! The last time I saw James in concert was sometime in the mid to late 80's.

Just look at those eyes!!! :)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Another rainy day...

Had to postpone our trip to Portland for a Sea Dogs game--supposed to rain tomorrow. Got some pretty bad news about the camper. Had a VW expert look at it and he said there is no way it will start in the winter. The engine is "tired" and it needs rebuilding. I think it's time to think about selling it for some more reliable transportation. I just hope I can get a reasonable amount for it. First I need to take it back to the guy who just fixed it so he can get it to start!

Here's a lupine-picking picture from two years ago. Still haven't been able to get the new ones up yet! :(

Thursday, June 08, 2006

UMPI's Website

If you check out, this is what you'll see! It's a little blurb about me and my friend, Sue. This is a photo of us on UMPI's annual Art Study Tour. We were in Edinburgh, Scotland when this was taken in late May of 2004.

Porch sitting

Spent some time this evening with my friends Sue and Robyn sitting on Sue's porch. It's one of our very favorite things to do. Raining?? Who cares! That can't stop the most die-hard porch sitters! What a wonderful time we had together visiting.

I've been trying to get some pictures on the blog of Abby and the lupines that are now out here. For some reason Safari on my ibook keeps bumping me off-line every time I try to add photos to my post. I had to move back to my PC to do my moose pictures. I'm about to go all ibook, so I want to get everything to work so I can do my blogs from it.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Moose on the loose!

No, this is not the title of a Dr. Seuss book--it's what occured this evening in my back yard! Two teenage moose went wandering through the back yards of my neighborhood. I had enough sense to grab the camera so here are a few shots!

My wheels have returned, but...

It would be nice if the motor over the wheels would start! :( Three hundred dollars later and it still isn't starting--my son Aaron has a guy who's going to look at it. Right now a boost would get it running, but there's something that keeps it from staying charged and keeps the gas from getting to the engine. I was able to get a state inspection done and some other odds and ends. This will be our home-away-from-home for a few months this summer between our move from Presque Isle to Portland. No big exotic trips planned this year unless someone miraculously discovers the solution to its major issues!

But besides her problems, she's quite a jem! :)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Party Time!

Abby's Brownie Troop (recently bridged from Daisies) held a little going-away party for her this afternoon. We were going to have it at Mantle Lake park, but the rain didn't stay away, so one of the moms graciously opened her home to us all. The girls had a great time playing and snacking.

The strangest thing for me is listening to the other moms talk. Here I am, probably at least 10+ years older than all of them with children in their early 20's, while they're still dealing with toddlers, and for some, their 5 year old is their oldest child. It's just funny listening to them talk about blankies and stuff like that--I want to chime in and talk about when my 18 year old had his blankie, but somehow that just seemed too odd! :)

Had a great morning at church. Our region's (New England) bishop was there for confirmations and he gave the message. What a dynamic speaker! Wow--what energy and enthusiasm. If people left this morning and weren't moved by what he said, they're in serious trouble! It makes me even more excited about becoming a UMC minister. I may have some opportunities to preach in the area myself this summer. Awesome!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rainy Days and Mondays

Well, pretty rainy day here in northern Maine. A day to nap and catch up on housework--oops--did I really say that?? We've had a couple of neighborhood girls wandering in and out all morning visiting Ab. They're probably 3 and 4 yrs old. I've fed them--they say they have no food at home and I'd believe it. But who lets their children wander and and out of other people's houses?? Troubling...

Yesterday was a good day at the soup kitchen. I'm going to miss volunteering there when I move. I tried to find out about my VW Vanagon--it's sitting at the garage--he had it in but didn't know what was wrong yet. I'm missing my wheels! :(