My BTS Journey

"Kindness is the mark of faith; and whoever has not kindness has not faith." ~Muhammad

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Don't mess with Mama Bear!

Well, after talking with my son who is in Iraq and now being asked to do things he's not trained to do...

I feel the need to take some action. Art has always helped me when I've had to deal with Phil being in a dangerous situation before,

so I've turned to art once more to be able to give my frustration a visual voice.

I'm so proud of him and the work he does, but I want him back home--alive. Oh, and I have stuff written on my car now, too!


  • At 12:29 PM, Blogger Aaron said…

    Yea, don't mess with mama bear. That right is reserved for us kids :p. haha. I love you mum and I'll be messing with you till there's no more messing to be done :D. But if anyone else does just let me know and I"ll find them...And...Do stuff to them.


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