My BTS Journey

"Kindness is the mark of faith; and whoever has not kindness has not faith." ~Muhammad

Monday, December 18, 2006

Red Sweaters Art Installation

This sweater is going to become part of what is now a moving installation that was inspired by the war in Iraq. To learn more, check out:

I found out about the installation from the book, Knitting for Peace, by Betty Christiansen. I want my knitting to make a difference, so I picked up this book. I love the idea behind this installation. Nina Rosenberg is the person behind the idea for this project. She thought that the red sweaters could "represent the human form, and red for the color of blood" (23). She had them hanging in a tree outside her home, but now the installation is on the move and they are still accepting sweaters--one sweater represents a soldier who has lost his or her life in Iraq. I'm hoping to make a few more--they're about 500 sweaters behind the count right now.


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